
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

peethe ke Kele (raw banana) -- Sabji Made with raw Banana and rice

Pethe ke Kele


Raw Banana : 4 medium sized 
Soaked rice :- 1 cup
Ginger paste :- 2 tbls
Onion :- 2 medium
Garlic paste :- 1 tbls
Garam Masala : 1/4 tsp
COriander Powder :- 3 tsp
Red Chilly Powder :- 1tsp
Haldi :- 1tsp
Salt to taste
Oil to deep fr
Method :-
  • Grind soaked rice . Add 1 tbls ginger paste , some salt.
  • Now Add sliced bananas . Coat them properly in batter above and deep fry and keep then aside.
  • For Masala , grind onion g-g paste, RCP , Garam Masala , Coriander Powder ,Salt to taste ,  .
  • For Sabji , Take oil in a pan , add above grinded masala , haldi . Once it leaves the oil , add banana and some water to coat the bananas.
  • Cover the lid for 5 mins to soften the banana.
  • Now Dish is Ready. Good to go with fresh chapatis :-)